Think of general dental services and chances are regular checkups and X-rays, and common procedures like fillings and root canals come to mind. However, dentists like Drs. Alex and Nina Basti offer a lot more than the procedures considered standard for dentists.
As dental science and technologies have evolved, new methods for treatment have arisen. Methods include those designed to straighten teeth and correct misalignment. These treatments are not offered exclusively by Board-certified orthodontists. You can get effective and preferred straightening options from the dentist you already trust, Basti Dental Care. Another benefit is that you won’t pay the steep specialist prices to get the care you need.
Unlike other practices that offer Invisalign as the only type of orthodontic treatment, Drs. Basti offer these popular clear, removable aligners in addition to other ways to straighten crooked teeth.
Six Month Smiles achieves desired straightening results in an average of just six months by targeting only the teeth in your smile zone. The techniques employed to straighten are similar to that of traditional metal braces, only a more extensive conventional treatment may not be necessary for those who only need cosmetic straightening.
Basti Dental Care professionals are equipped to offer the modern approach to conventional braces. Today’s braces can straighten teeth without bulky, uncomfortable and unsightly metal wires and brackets. Tooth-colored brackets mean others are looking at your increasingly improved smile and not at the obvious metal in your mouth.
Be it fixed options such as Six Month Smiles or conventional braces, or removable alternatives like Invisalign, Basti Dental Care has a good fit for you. The suggested treatment will depend on the condition that needs to be treated as well as the extent of crowding and bite-related problems.
Know that you don’t have to limit your search to those professionals in Mission Viejo California with orthodontist listed in their titles. Benefit from the expertise of the dentists you may already know and trust, Drs. Alex and Nina Basti. You will benefit from their broader perspective on a wide range of treatments and conditions. Call 949-427-2096 to schedule an appointment.
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